New Flyer D40HF
Type of bus: Standard-floor
Length: 40'
Width: 96" or 102"
Height: approx. 10' 0"
Seats: 45
Capacity: 70
Customers: {30-foot diesel} Houston Metro
{35-foot diesel}NFTA-Niagara Falls
{40-foot diesel} CT Transit, San Diego Transit, OCTA-Orange County, VTA-Vancouver
{40-foot CNG} MTA Metrobus-Los Angeles
New Flyer D60HF

Type of bus: Standard-floor
Length: 60'
Width: 102"
Height: approx. 11' 0"
Seats: 62-70
Capacity: 140
Customers: {diesel} MTA NYCT, King County Metro-Seattle, Mississauga Transit-Mississauga, ON, VTA-Vancouver
{electric} MUNI-San Francisco
New Flyer D40LF

Type of bus: low-floor
Length: 30', 35', 40''
Width: 102"
Height: approx. 11' 0"
Seats: 39
Capacity: 65
Customers: {30-foot diesel} Houston Metro, Portland Metro, LANTA-Allentown, PA
{35-foot diesel}NFTA-Niagara Falls, AATA-Ann Arbor-"The Ride"
{40-foot diesel}Port Authority of NY & NJ, CT Transit, MTA Metrobus-Los Angeles, SEPTA-Philadelphia, Houston Metro, CTA-Chicago, Roosevelt Island Tramway, OCTA-Orange County, CA., North County Transit District NCTD, AATA-Ann Arbor-"The Ride", LANTA of Allentown, PA, Capital Metro of Austin, TX
{40-foot CNG}MTA NYCT, WMATA Metrobus, MBTA-Boston, MTA Metrobus-Los Angeles, Pierce Transit-Takoma, WA, Culver CityBus, Long Beach Transit, Santa Monica "Big Blue Bus", VTA-Vancouver
{40-foot electric} OCTA-Orange County, SEPTA-Philadelphia
New Flyer D60LF
Type of bus: low-floor
Length: 60'
Width: 102"
Height: approx. 9'6""
Seats: 55
Capacity: 125
Customers: UTA-Salt Lake City, OCTA-Orange County, Mississauga Transit, Vancouver Transit, Rutgers University (Academy), Santa Clara VTA, Long Beach Transit, King County Metro--Seattle (E60LF), OC Transpo--Ottawa
New Flyer D45SHF "Viking"

Type of bus: high-floor over-the-road
Length: 45'
Width: 102"
Height: approx. 12'1"
Seats: 57
Capacity: 57
Customers: MTA NYCT, Houston Metro